Learn How to Use Incoterms 2010

Learn How to Use Incoterms 2010

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Course Title
Understanding Incoterms® 2010 –
This online course has been designed to help importers and exporters understand Incoterms® 2010, or also known as - International Commercial Terms. The course highlights how to select the correct term for their international transactions. Participants will get the most up to date explanations of all the terms, the issues each one has and the best way you can use them for your business.
Payment Section
Brief Description
The Incoterms® rules or International Commercial terms are a series of pre-defined commercial terms published by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) that are widely used in International commercial transactions or Procurement processes.
Full Description
This online course has been designed to help exporters understand Incoterms® - International Commercial Terms - and how to select the correct one for their international transactions. These global shipping terms have huge importance in the exporting and importing of products from around the globe. They outline the risk and responsibility between the buyer and the seller for each transaction.
This course covers all aspects of Incoterms 2010. It is designed for people who may be new to exporting plus experienced business people who may need to keep up with industry updates. During the course there are examples highlighting the benefits of using Incoterms both from an operational and commercial point of view. The course highlights why it is so important to understand each of these terms to ensure successful and efficient global business.
How does the course work?
The course is composed of 14 modules that will take you through all the elements of understanding Incoterms® 2010. Learning the terminology will help you to better understand how to cover the risks and responsibilities between the buyer and seller, their obligations to each other for the shipment and the allocation of costs.
Each module will be delivered through a series of informative slides. At the end of each module you will be tested with interactive questions. When you have completed all 14 modules successfully, you will then be able to print off your certificate of completion.
This course is accessible online, 24/7, so you can learn at your own pace and go back to things to check you have really understood the topic.

At the end of the course each delegate will receive a comprehensive set of course materials including copies of "Choosing the Right Term guide", "Risk and Cost Obligation Guide" and an "Incoterms® 2010 chart”.
Course Outline
• What are Incoterms®?
• How are they used for export sales
• What are the terms and conditions of each Incoterm
• What are the buyer and seller obligations for each term
• How to select the correct term for a specific transaction
• What are the benefits of one term over another
• What are the risks of one term over another
• What are the commercial benefits of using the correct term
Who should register?
This course is designed for companies who export and import goods from both EU and Non-EU markets. The course is mainly designed for: Sales, Shipping, Accounts, Purchasing/Buyers, Freight Forwarders and Goods In/Out Personnel.

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Learn How to Use Incoterms 2010Learn How to Use Incoterms 2010